Transfer day for the chrysalises

Today is the 18th day that I have had the caterpillars/chrysalises. I have moved the chrysalises to the butterfly houses. As much fun as it would be to have a house full of butterflies I thought it best to have them in the butterfly houses. I do have one caterpillar that is still crawling around. I hope that it forms it’s chrysalis. I’ve been trying to catch the change via a time lapse video, but not yet.

Enjoy the pictures and videos.

time lapse video of last caterpillar

shakey shakey – how a chrysalis scares off prey

getting ready to move the chrysalises to the butterfly houses

inside look at one of the butterfly houses







looking down from the top – two of the chrysalises fell of the lids so they are placed on tissues

looking up from the bottom – a lid from one of the larger containers






finished the move – notice the last small container with one last caterpillar